Daily Archives: September 18, 2015

5 Ways To Build Your Professional Brand Using Social Media

Posted: September 18, 2015 at 6:46 pm

Share and Help your Friends With Their Job Search!

Brand Building

These days almost everybody knows the rules of social media. Bikini shots and booze are bad. Photos of your food and feet are boring. Exotic vacations, adorable babies and your dog are all good. However, it’s always shocking how many career minded folks don’t invest in building their professional brands online outside of LinkedIn. Let’s get cracking!

1. Tag your current company in all of your social handles. That includes Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, Periscope or any other social platform where you hang your virtual hat. It lets your personal network learn a little bit about your career, but-more importantly-your employer will smile upon being the source of your professional pride. Kissing butt? Maybe. Smart? Definitely.

2.  Share any positive developments about your company online. Obviously, that should include anything exciting to you personally like a promotion. However, you should also share updates regarding anything that the company is particularly proud of at the moment. Maybe it’s positive press, or a recently completed project. It demonstrates enthusiasm for your work which can only reflect well on you.

3. Post Updates About Your Professional Development. If you’re investing in growing your career, let people know. Examples of relevant news are earning a degree, taking part in a conference, attending a seminar or professional networking event. It makes you look like a go-getter! So go, go, go update your status!

4. Share helpful tips with your network. People in your professional network will always be hungry to hear about any new and valuable resources that will help them excel at their jobs. Let your peers know if you’ve uncovered a fantastic online discussion forum, private Facebook Group or Quora thread. Maybe there’s a great new piece of software, or important legal news that impacts your industry others are eager to learn more about. You get the idea.

5. Follow influencers and leaders in your industry. Prominent business figures frequently post breaking news, and insightful thoughts on issues currently impacting your industry. Tracking and sharing their updates demonstrates once again that you’re enthusiastic about staying informed and furthering your career.

Building your professional brand online definitely requires a commitment of time and energy. However, establishing yourself as a thought leader in the minds of your colleagues can really elevate your reputation. It might also impress the next person responsible for bringing you  your next exciting career opportunity. Well worth the investment, if you ask us!